A55 jointer Plane
This Gidgee Jointer plane (also known as a Jointer or Trying Plane) has an adjustable blade at 55 degrees, optimised for hard, cranky woods. Alternate use as a cabinet scraper by reversing the blade. Used for planing long boards and jointing boards.
A55 Jointer planes are available from 610mm long up to 685mm long x 70mm wide X 48mm high. If you would like a specific length please leave a message when you checkout to specify the length. You will see the text box available when you check out that says 'please leave special instructions below'.
It weighs 3.1 kg and has the option of a 50mm wide x 6mm thick x 110mm long Tool Steel (TS) blade hardened to Rc 62-64 OR a High Speed Steel (HSS) blade hardened to Rc 62. The HSS is ideal if you plan to reverse the plane to bevel up and use it as a scraper on hard timber.
It has a 55 degrees blade angle for planing or 85 degrees for scraping. For adjustment there is a fine thread screw with lateral movement (10th turn gives meaningful change in depth). The mouth is protected by a brass rub plate. Knob and tote handle superbly shaped by Ross Burgess.
Used for final smoothing of any long timber surface which has been dressed by a planer, thicknesser or Jack Plane. Used correctly this plane will smooth any difficult timber surface leaving little or no sanding. A cabinet makers work horse.