Posted on February 06 2024

The toolmakers vice of choice!
HNT Gordon's non-racking bench hardware is designed to be used in serious manufacturing conditions. The vice on Terry's work bench is more than 5 years old and has racked up more than 6,000 hours of use.
Automotive grade nylon bushings provide the essential non-racking functionality and neatly remove dust and debris from the machined aluminium shaft of the vice ensuring the absolute maximum durability for each of the vice configurations.
These vices are designed to take a beating and Terry's workhorse shows no sign of functional wear although there's a certain elegant patina that years of meticulous daily use has decorated this tool with. I doubt we'll be replacing Terry's Pattern Maker's Vice any time soon.
Thanks go out to Sam for his positive 5-year review of our non-racking front vice. Here's to many more years of fun in your workshop!