Rose Sheoak or Blackwood Pencil Gauge
Size: The head is 100mm wide and 24 mm thick made from wood and brass. It has a brass rub strip to prevent wear and the locking knob is threaded through a brass pin to ensure it won't wear out. The arm length allows you to draw a line 0 - 185 mm from the edge.
Average weight: 500grams
Marker: Lead pencil
Purpose: Preliminary marking out joints where a parallel line is required but may need to be rubbed out. I use this tool for marking out the first joint so I can get a good idea the joint is positioned correctly and is in perspective prior to committing to cut lines which permanently mark the wood surface.
Note: The gauge in the photo is rose sheoak. We may send a blackwood gauge if no rose sheoak is available. Please email us if you would like a rose sheoak one specifically.