Bargain Gidgee Flat Sole Spoke Shave
This gidgee spoke shave is selling at a bargain price due to having a slightly wider mouth of 0.5mm rather than 0.3mm.
This Flat sole Spoke Shave is 280mm long x 24 mm wide x 24 mm high. Weighs 0.5 Kg and has a 45mm wide x 1.6mm thick x 34mm long Tool Steel (TS) blade hardened to Rc 62-64.
It has a 55 degrees blade angle for planing and by reversing the blade (bevel up) it will perform as a scraper for use of hard cranky woods. The mouth is protected by a brass sole.
Fine finishing of outside curve work or profiling straight pieces of wood into ovals, rounds etc such as a spoke.